Archive | In His Footsteps

In His Footsteps: Where and how we try to walk in Jesus footsteps, serving the needy on the streets of Recife.

Brazilian Cuscuz and frankfurters

Blessed are the Hands

Our partner organization Christland (Cristolândia) ministers to two very special groups of people. They have the best program I know of for helping men and women struggling with chemical dependency to come to know Christ at the same time they are overcoming dependency. They also have a center in downtown Recife only a few blocks […]

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Blessed are the feet...

Blessed are the Feet

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in?… As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” (Romans 10:14-15 NIV) Valmir is about 6 feet 2. Could be a football player. With the help of another brother he can lift a 25 gallon drum […]

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