Archive | In His Footsteps

In His Footsteps: Where and how we try to walk in Jesus footsteps, serving the needy on the streets of Recife.

Jose (R) and Wilson

How far?

“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” – Luke 19:10 There isn’t a more focused summation of Jesus’ purpose, and that which should be the goal of his disciples: seeking and saving the lost. We can’t save, Jesus does that, but we can seek and lead others to him. […]

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ILI Online Conference Attendees in 2021

Leadership Training During a Pandemic

To paraphrase Nathanael’s famous question in John 1:46, “can anything good come out of a pandemic”? By God’s power and grace, YES! The International Leadership Institute is a non-denominational ministry that hosts conferences in which leaders are encouraged to rediscover and renew eight core Christian values in their personal lives and ministry: Intimacy with God, […]

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Men at the recovery center in Paraná

Inside the Circle

In early 2021 I felt the Lord leading me to learn more about childhood trauma and it’s long term impact on people. I’ve taken a few courses, read several books, and become more familiar with the lasting damage that trauma, especially in childhood, can cause. In the process I came across the Adverse Childhood Experiences […]

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