A Jesus in the Streets Thanks-Giving

Dear Friends,

I apologize for the long delay in updates from our ministry. We have had a lot of needs to attend to, more than we are able. It takes time to prepare a good report. I have just chosen lately to invest that time in the lives of those we serve here.

This isn’t entirely fair as you are also a valuable part of this ministry and you need to know who and what to pray for. I pledge to try and do better by you in the coming weeks. For now, here is a little of the fruit of your prayers.

In the spirit of what Thanksgiving was originally about, today we share with you the thanks-giving of six men we have had the privilege of working with in our Jesus in the Streets ministry and through our partner ministry Christland. So, here’s our Jesus in the Streets Thanks-Giving video.

Thank you so much for all your prayers and support.
grace and peace (and a blessed Thanksgiving!)

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