Dear Friends,
Back in October we asked prayers for a really special event. Seven of the children of the single mom’s from the Joana Bezerra community we serve were heading to their First Time at Camp. Thank you SO much for your prayers! It was a mountaintop experience for the children!
Rauane, Jennyfer, Maria Vitória, Elza, Richard, Rickelmy, and José had the time of their lives! Daily worship, biblical messages, and small group studies were interspersed with crafts, team activities, and sports. And they all begged me to be able to come back this year! In fact every time I go into the neighborhood now there’s a flock of kids after me to see if they can go to camp too!
The moms were thrilled to see how much new interest their children have taken in God’s word and in going to church and at least three of the families are now regularly attending church either in the neihborhood or with relatives in nearby congregations.
And best of all, sisters Elza and Maria Vitória (top left in the collage below) were recently baptized! Praise the Lord!
It wasn’t all “a sea of roses” as we say here. Some attitudes, rivalries and conflicts came out. But, the good side of that is at least one of the boys (Richard), was helped by a therapist who has offered him ongoing therapy since the camp. God is SO good!
Each of the children wrote a letter to themselves describing how they feel God sees them.
A hearty breakfast before a day of worship, classes, crafts and sports!
Thank you all for you prayers and please pray we can have an even larger group going to camp this summer with more young hearts and families won for Christ!