First Time at Camp

Dear friends,
No videos or long posts this time. Just a heartfelt request for prayers.

For the first time for our ministry and for seven precious children, we’ll be taking a group of kids from the favela to a Christian camp this week.

I was visiting with the mom’s today (all single, raising these kids on their own), none of them has ever even spent a night away from home, much less three nights at a camp. The kids of course are excited and the moms are incredibly trusting.

Of course parents can’t come but I’ll be there along with the team of young people and adults hosting the camp. Supposed to be around 140 kids all together. Keep us adults in your prayers too!

Our kids going to camp

Rauane, Jennyfer, Maria, Elza, Richard, Rickelmy, and José.
Back row: mom’s Elisangela, Joice, and Raiane.

They’re so young, all between nine and twelve. Yet, two of the moms were telling me today they already see people in the neighborhood with eyes on their daughters for prostitution and their sons for drug trafficking. Please pray this will be a life changing, faith building experience for Rauane, Jennyfer, Maria, Elza, Richard, Rickelmy, and José.

The list of items the camp suggested each child bring, several of them these kids didn’t have. Tennis shoes, jeans, a flashlight. Stuff your kids and mine grew up with in abundance. But they’re all incredibly content with what they do have. And they’ll be amongst peers. All the other kids going are from ministries like ours in communities in the greater Recife area like the ones we serve.

Jesus loves the little children. And I know He loves these dearly.

Thanks for your prayers. Hug your kids, your grand kids, whatever kids you’ve got close. And keep ours in your prayers.

grace and peace,


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