The Banquet Jesus Wanted

Thanks so much for your prayers and also your patience! I can’t believe I only posted five reports throughout 2022. All I can say is it was all I could do to keep up with everything the Lord has been doing this past year. I’ll be sharing more in the next few weeks but here’s a recent special story.

Church in the Street (Igreja na Rua), one of the ministries we partner with serves a Christmas banquet to people either living on the the street or poor enough that they’re in the downtown area of Recife at night waiting for a bus home, even at Christmas.

This Christmas the volunteers prepared and served 800 hot meals, juice, soft drinks, cake, and presents for the children. It was truly a banquet like the one Jesus wants (Luke 14:13-14).

And this one had a very special meaning for Adelson, one of our volunteers from Christland. We discovered Adelson had been served and had eaten his Christmas meal at our past banquets when he was homeles and hungry.

But this year, having spent a year in Christland’s treatment center, and another year as a volunteer, he is now serving where he was once served. The smile on his face could be a poster for Jesus words that it is indeed more blessed to give than to receive.

Church in the Street Christmas Banquet 2022

Church in the Street Christmas Banquet 2022

Isn’t it something to realize that in the Kingdom’s mysterious transformation, those we are serving today will one day revel in the joy of serving others? So many who today see themselves at a dead end in their lives are only a step away from the joyful Life of following Jesus!

These are the lyrics to the song “Beginning With Me”:

… I wake up early in prayer
And my heart yearns
To see a world, different
Than the one replayed on the TV news

… I wonder where was it
Someone explain to me
Please where was it?
That we unlearned to live together?

… I want to see change, but if I’m here just waiting
I’m one of them, I’m just one of them
My prayer, it’s only a real change
If it begins with me

… Let there be more love, beginning with me
Love that I so want to see
beginning with me
beginning with me
May those who know me
may they recognize in me
the description of your love

… And if I had more forgiveness
If instead of pointing out so many mistakes
More hugs were extended
More looks of acceptance
Not so much time in vain.
If our most precious asset
Wasn’t missing when we listen to,
And try to understand a brother…

Thanks so much for your prayers! God has been SO good!

Please keep praying for those we are privileged to serve, that they too may know some day the joy of serving others.

PS, if you would like to reply, comment or question anything please email me at

Our Father’s grace, our King’s peace, and the Spirit’s embrace to all,


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