Street Church Christmas

Last week we shared about our Christmas banquet with our partner ministry Church in the Street. This week (I know, its a little past due), we have our Derby Park Church Christmas banquet.

We’ve been having record numbers of homeless men and women coming to our services in the park. Pre pandemic we averaged 60-80 in attendance. We’re now having 120-150!

This Sunday was actually a little low in attendance, but we were ready to have Christmas in the Park! After a message about Mary’s faithfulness and the honor we owe our mothers, our “elves” distributed around 120 hygiene kits with toothpaste, toothbrush, soap and a shaver for the men, plus absorbent pads for the ladies. For many this was the only Christmas present they received.

We followed this with breakfast of a popular cornmeal hash, sandwiches, cinnamon buns, and soft drinks. Everybody had plenty to eat and many left with extras for later in the day.

Our musical accompaniment was provided by Márcio “Sapo” da Silva singing his passionate rendition of John Lennon’s classic “So This is Christmas”! Márcio has been a regular ever since we began. This past Sunday he even asked me about getting into Christland! Keep him in your prayers! And if you don’t watch another Christmas video until next December, please don’t miss this one!

A Street Church Christmas

A Street Church Christmas

Please be praying also for our logistics and organization. It’s fairly easy to worship, teach and pray with a group this large, but feeding a hungry crowd like this can get a little challenging. Pray a spirit of peace and harmony prevail in our services!

Thanks for your prayers and encouragement for these very special sons and daughters of the King!

But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous. Luke 14:13-14

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