Children’s Day with Church in the Streets

Dear Friends,

Thanks so much for your prayers and support! With local restrictions being removed after the pandemic and more people out and about we have been B.U.S.Y!

October 12th is “Children’s Day” in Brazil and all the kids hope for some kind of gift or surprise. We were a week late but with our partner ministry Igreja na Rua (Church in the Street) last Thursday we hosted a party for the families and children from a “ocupação” (groups of homeless people who occupy an abandoned building) in downtown Recife.

While the moms and dads were being served soup and coffee outside, we had hot dogs and soft drinks, party boxes with candy and goodies and action figures and dolls for the boys and girls. We had prepared for 170 and I didn’t see any kids walk away empty handed. Lot of smiles, lot of praise songs, and all glory to the King who loves children! Thanks for your support in making these ministry opportunities happen!

Church in the Streets - Children's Day

Church in the Streets – Children’s Day Video

Back in July I asked prayers for Edson, the first young man we helped get off the streets of Recife. He had suffered a near fatal knifing. It took a while to track him down as he kind of disappeared after that. Edson showed up recently for breakfast in Derby Park and I’m glad to say he’s recovered and managing to rent a small place downtown. Please keep him in your prayers.

Edson in Derby Park Sunday morning

Edson in Derby Park Sunday morning

Please be praying for the upcoming presidential runoff election here in Brazil. Social and political tensions are at the boiling point. We really need your prayers.

Thank you for your part in this ministry to the least and the lost and all God’s children in this beautiful land of the green and yellow and blue!


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