Less in 2021

Today’s post is a translation of a brief reflection I go back to every New Year. It was written by a Brazilian contributor to one of our Portuguese websites. I posted this on New Year’s Day four years ago, but I believe it’s more relevant now than ever. And I think that after 2020 we all have a different perspective on what we want “more” of. Thanks so much for your prayers and support! May this year bring and abundance of blessings from Above and “less” of everything else!

by Jairo Larozza

I wish you a new year of less.
less worry, and less enmity,
less things cluttering up your house,
and less commitments which lead to nothing.

Less hypocrisy, less things in your closet,
less hurt, less disease circulating in your blood,
less headaches, and less adulterous fantasies,
less doubts about what is most important.

I wish you a year of less.
Less useless rushing,
less guilt,
less fear of the future,
less embarrassed greetings,
less things you can buy,
less debts and less demands,
less criticism, less anger,
less emptiness in your soul.

I wish you the subtraction of all that leads to death.

I wish you the incomparable presence of Christ,
who was born, lived, died, and resurrected
to give us complete forgiveness, eternal life.

Everything, less the evil.

Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction.

Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction.

I got the idea for this image from an original by my friend Paul Lee. Thanks, Paul!