Ministering to the Least and the Lost During Covid Quarantine

Thanks so much for your continued prayers for our ministry here. Due to quarantine restrictions I’m not able to get out directly and attend the dozens of men and women we normally help through our Jesus in the Streets Ministry. However, two groups we partner with, Christland and “Igreja na Rua” (Church in the Street) continue to serve meals and provide basic services to many in the homeless population of Recife.

Through your support and prayers I’m able to channel funds to these brethren who continue to help this very special “tribe” of people who are facing some of the greatest hardships brought about by this quarantine. Thank you SO much for all your support and prayers!

Serving hot meals in downtown Recife

Hot meals for the homeless in downtown Recife

Hot meals for the homeless in downtown Recife (Click on the image to see more)

Christland workers serving meals at their base of operations near Derby Park.

Christland workers serving meals close to Derby Park

Christland workers serving meals close to Derby Park

And when you give a cup of water (or coffee and a sandwich) to one of the least of these...

“And when you give a cup of water (or coffee and a sandwich) to one of the least of these…”

Please continue to pray for these precious sons and daughters of the King. And may He reward you richly for your part in meeting their daily needs!

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