Children’s Praise

Most Sundays in Derby Park our sister Sandra (Marcelo’s wife) has a lesson for the children who come to our open air Sunday service. Anywhere from half a dozen to twenty or more kids show up. It’s kind of unpredictable (like our adult gatherings!). But Sandra does a great job and really loves these children.


Sandra teaching the children in Derby Park.

If you click on the image above to expand it you’ll see little João (Mango Joe’s boy) hanging off a swing in the background. After a while he’ll wander over and join the class. Guess who that would have been when I was his age?

This past Sunday Sandra couldn’t be with us so we had adults and children together. Andreza and Adriele wanted to sing a song they learned in the new school we prayed for them to get into. Well… they actually treated us to THREE new songs! I don’t know about you, but when I was a kid, singing in front of a bunch of adults was the last thing you’d catch me doing. But these girls really did it up right, especially Andreza. She had all the words and gestures down. Amazing kid!

Thanks once again for praying for the girls to get into the new school. Their teacher has nothing but praise for them and their mom’s thrilled with the girl’s progress.

During the video you’ll hear some folks talking, even arguing a little in the background. Our worship services in the park get a little rowdy sometimes. But, hey nobody’s there to impress. And everybody feels right at home. You come as you are. You can snooze during the sermon or watch the clouds roll by during the singing. And believe it or not, if somebody gets REALLY edgy the other members themselves will calm the rowdy ones down.

Marcelo sharing some thoughts from the Gospel in the Derby Park church.

Marcelo sharing some thoughts from the Gospel in the Derby Park church.

For the most part though, our friends in the church in Derby park are like folks in church most other places. Peaceful. Reflective. Looking for a new direction for their lives. Maybe thinking about things beyond this world. We like to believe some of those thoughts are turning toward the carpenter from Nazareth…

Dona Severina & Andreza, José, Adriele, Fabrício, & Anderson

Andreza, José, Adriele, Fabrício, & Anderson with Dona Severina.

Thanks for your prayers for Adeilza’s mom Dona Severina. Amazingly, from ICU two weeks ago she was back in Derby with us this Sunday. Please pray for peace for her. She’s struggling a lot with anxiety, and given the rough weather she’s been through lately we can understand. Keep praying also for Adeilza as she cares for her mom.

Thanks SO much for your prayers for Soraia. It’s been tough, but she had a good day Thursday. Went to rehab in the morning. Had a visit from her special friend Luciana in the afternoon. Taking her meds. Was feeling real stable last night. She’s supposed to spend this weekend with Luciana & André and their family. Pray that works out. Fine couple. You’ll hear more about them in the near future.

Whatever faith you’ve got, keeping pouring it into prayer for Soraia, Vitória, and Stênio. They need a miracle. But, hey that’s Jesus’ specialty. So, you’re talking to just the right person…

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