Stenio and Soraia’s Baptism

Stenio’s baptism

What a glorious day it was. Stenio & Soraia, after much study, prayer, and reflection decided recently to, as Paul so eloquently put it in Colossians 2:12, be buried with Christ in baptism. I couldn’t hear the angels rejoicing, but the little band of brethren gathered for the occasion were as thrilled as any angel could be.

Our sister Teresa and her husband Dema live next door to the church building in São Lourenço and have graciously made their swimming pool available for the church’s baptisms. (There’s actually a baptistry in the new building but still needs some finishing touches.)

Thanks so much for all your prayers for Stenio, Soraia, and Vitória!

Soraia’s baptism

Mozart and Bio, (Evangelists with the São Lourenço church) and Edivaldo (São Lourenço deacon) with Stenio & Soraia.

Mozart, Marília, and Bio all studied the Bible, prayed and counseled with Stenio & Soraia since they moved to São Lourenço. Edivaldo has been tireless in providing logistical help, rides to and from work, encouragement, job opportunities, everything a deacon (servant) could do.

Marcelo & Sandra (members of the Jesus in the Streets ministry) along with Stenio & Soraia.

Marcelo and Sandra have accompanied Stenio & Soraia since our first contact with them back in Derby Park. Sandra prayed with and counseled Soraia over the years and helped her with contacts Sandra has in the social services system in Recife.

It’s been a collective effort where the whole church, especially the church in São Lourenço, has come together to do what churches do best – be the the hands and feet, the welcoming arms and the smiling face of Jesus. And it’s amazing what Jesus can do when we let him live and work through us. All honor and glory to Jesus!

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